The tech intelligence engine of the future.

The tech intelligence engine of the future.

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High growth tech verticals
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Happy clients and partners

Resonance owns and operates a suite of high
growth tech platforms

Resonance offers media, market intelligence and strategic
consulting solutions to its enterprise clients

Enterprise Marketing

Our publications offer accessible enterprise level business journalism to keep people informed, up-to-date and connect. Each vertical under the Resonance brand create captivating multi-channel digital marketing campaigns designed to support your product or service.

Market Intelligence

We collect and structure global data on frontier technologies and deliver this intelligence in a user-friendly platform. We serve investors, startups, corporations, accelerators, policy makers and governments, providing them a holistic and deep overview of various technology landscapes.

Strategic Consulting

Our team of experts support start ups, governments and multinational corporations with market leading strategic consulting work.


Our team combines a strong science and engineering pedigree with deep experience of building practical and commercial solutions for corporates and national governments

We work with Trail-Blazing Organizations
across the Resonance Ecosystem

What people say about us